Quite often we tend to forget that God is our Father. We seem to think that He is only interested in the big picture and has no time for our little worries. We need to remember that God is also interested in the little things too as evidenced by my experience.
I had a minor surgery on Monday morning for the extraction of my 2 lower wisdom teeth! It was a long, overdue "task" that needed to be done! (with much worry and fear )
Before the surgery, I shared with my DLT on Sunday's meet, and with their prayers, I was wonderfully and amazingly "operated" on with no memory of the "ordeal" and "torture" in my mind, (as I was anaesthesized) by a wonderful doctor, Dr.Ps Ling K.C.
I had about 8 jabs and now have the same number of stitches in that little mouth of mine!
I now have puffed up cheeks just like a very greedy chipmunk that has stuffed a year's supply of food in its cheeks!
(Thankfully the Doctor has reassured me that the swelling will reduce within a week... Phew!!!)
There has been a request that I post pictures to show off my very "gorgeous" face after the surgery but I shall politely decline...heheheheheh
Though I look "funny" ..... I feel great, as with God's tender love and mercy....I have not and will not encounter any pain!
Praise the Lord!
Thanks to all for the coverage of prayers n love...
Wonderful News!! Enjoy the rest(if you are able to have any) ;-)
Great to hear that the surgery went well and can't wait to see the ahem "pose" when all is well.
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