A point to ponder...

Imagine this...you are invited to a party. People beg you to come. So finally you decide, "well if they want me there so badly perhaps I should go." Upon arriving, you see many people have come for the party. As you walk in you see there are people in the corner gossiping. In front you see some young men, eyeing out the young ladies. Further on there are some people singing along to a band playing, others commenting on how great the band plays and some others just lying around. Nobody really giving you any attention even though they begged you to come. Do you feel welcome? I would not either.

Sadly this is the state in many churches and the guest is Jesus.

Are you in your calling?

When I was in London, I happened to attend a church service with John Bevere speaking. I sat in my chair eagerly anticipating the sermon as I had not heard him speak before but my friends all spoke so highly of him. As he spoke the message on this particular day, the anticipation left and I could feel myself sinking into my chair with each word that was said. It was a soul opening experience that left me breathless. Thankfully he finished it with some hope due to the great God we serve. So I want to share in parts with you the sermon that changed my thinking.