A point to ponder...

Imagine this...you are invited to a party. People beg you to come. So finally you decide, "well if they want me there so badly perhaps I should go." Upon arriving, you see many people have come for the party. As you walk in you see there are people in the corner gossiping. In front you see some young men, eyeing out the young ladies. Further on there are some people singing along to a band playing, others commenting on how great the band plays and some others just lying around. Nobody really giving you any attention even though they begged you to come. Do you feel welcome? I would not either.

Sadly this is the state in many churches and the guest is Jesus.

Song is one of the most talked about ways of praising and worshiping God. The Angels do it, the peasants do it and even kings do it.  How will you sing of His love when you see Him one day face to face? There is a song by MercyMe called I can only imagine, which states this exact question. They proceed to give some options of what they would do. Some examples are 

"Will I dance for you Jesus or in honour of you be still "
"Will I stand in your presence or to my knees will I fall "
"Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all "

We all profess that Jesus is Lord and that we love Him "with ALL our heart, ALL our soul and ALL our mind" so how will we show this? David, one of the greatest kings to have lived used to rip his clothing and weep before the Lord. A king that was given everything, had so much power; was still humbled when coming into the prescence of our Lord. So what will you do?

Will you dance or sing hallelujah? Or will you fall to your knees unable to speak? The sad part is, let's look at what the bible says;

 "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them."
we are ALREADY in His presence but we take it for granted. Where two or more are gathered Jesus is there. He is joining you in your prayer, in your study and even in your song. Do we see it this way or do we find it more important to talk about the wordly issues like the people in the party were doing?  

We ask ourselves why Jesus does not show up more often and I think the truth is that deep down either we are not ready for Him or we just don't care. Ponder on this for a while.


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